Hey guys! So I've read some of your comments and I made another lesson plan according to your feedback. Let me know if you like this lesson plan is better! :)
When someone puts their hand on your back, you can feel their touch. This is because the skin is covered in specialized nerve endings. The nerve endings contain receptors that send sensory neurons through the spinal chord to the brain. The brain responds and interprets the information as pressure, warmth, cold, or pain.
Pressure is a continuing force on your skin by something that it comes in contact with.
Calluses are caused when too much pressure/friction is applied to certain parts of your feet.
Warmth is the feeling of something above body temperature irritating the sense receptors on your skin. When you're cold, your body temperature goes up, so when you hold your cold hands over a fire, you feel a warm sensation.
Cold is the sensation of something that is below normal body temperature irritating the sense receptors on your skin. When you touch frozen water, the temperature is below you body temperature so it feels cold to the touch.
Have you ever touched cold metal and it felt wet? Well that's because wetness is a variation of cold sensation.
And finally, Pain
Pain occurs in the brain. When you experience pain, it's your brain telling you that something is wrong. Whether it may be a burn from touching a curling iron or falling off your bike causing you to scrape your knee, your brain is trying to tell you that you have damaged your skin or tissue. Pain influences your behavior and teaches you not to do the thing that caused you pain in the first place again. Your autonomic nervous system controls your reflexes that are triggered after immediate pain. If you touch something hot, your hand or leg immediately jerks away before you even realize the pain. This happens because the sensory receptors send sensory neurons to the spinal chord. Your spinal chord translates the neurons as pain, and passes a stimuli to the motor neurons that lead to the muscles in your arm or leg causing a pain reflex. Only after you jerk away does your brain receive the information that is perceived as pain.
Some things that influence your pain:
- The brain's interpretation of the activity by your central nervous system.
- Focusing on pain
- expectation of pain
- sympathy towards the pain of others
- differences of endorphin release and production
Gate control theory: The theory that says that there is a gate located on the spinal cord that either allows or blocks pain signals to reach the brain.
Other senses-
Vestibular sense: Balance that is observed and supervised through the head and body's position. Controlled in the cochlea.
- Spinning around in a circle for a long time.
Kinesthetic sense: Sense that allows you to know the positions and movements of our body and parts.
Temperature: The ability to perceive differences in temperature. Can you tell the difference between hot and cold.
Time sense: Your body has an internal body clock that can tell what time it is based on continuous activity at a certain time.
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