Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 So today I was in spanish class and it's right next to the gourmet foods classroom. The aroma of the chicken stir-fry was creeping into the room and it got me thinking. How does our sense of smell work? When I got home, I did some research. This is what I found out:


Smell is a chemical sense. When the the molecules of a substance go through the nostrils to the nasal cavity, the 5 million olfactory receptor cells inside respond to the aroma of the substance-ergo, we have the sense of smell. The olfactory bulb Olfactory bulb is located in the limbic system and it controls our sense of smell.

Did you know that smell is associated with memory? Well, because the olfactory bulb is located in the limbic system (which contains the hippocampus which controls memory) we can relate smell to our memories. Here's a picture to demonstrate------>

Cool, right?!?!?!?!? :)

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